Wednesday, January 31, 2007

hello i dont have a title because blogger mysteriously denied me a title space.

i am so sad. boohoohoo.

anyways. the past week has been pretty eventful. loadsa screw ups. loadsa things that didn't go as planned, or in this case, as hoped. to sum it all up, major changes in two days, minor let-downs in seven.

to tell you the truth, as dramatic as it may sound, i thought i was going to die.

i guess i was too comfortable with the status quo and when there was a need for a change, i couldnt deal with it. which was just as well because everything's so dynamic, its sudden. there was no time for any weaning process. i just didn't think i'd shrink from the world like that. i didn't think i'd wake up in the middle of the night to just delete the blog and then go back to sleep.

i didn't think it would've hit me that hard.

Monday, January 29, 2007

ok so i deleted my blog on a whim. it's a funny story, really.

i thought i could do with a fresh start, minus the fact that i'm still keeping the emo-angsty-pseudo goth blog url.

so here it is.

bloody blatant blasphemy from the would-be 19 year old.

i hope this makes it better.