Thursday, May 24, 2007

leaving so soon

i'm not even supposed to be blogging. K and i decided to bring our work home because our ass was getting uncomfortable. really. i could fry an egg in my chair. its like butt global warming. or butt globe(s) warming, seeing how our butts are two globes. hardehar.

so basically, i'm supposed to be working. but i'm not. and i'm going to pay for it by coming into the office at like 7.00am.

and get this. The Mum, who loves me so much and doesn't want me to die choking on dustballs, decides to vacuum everything in my room. And i mean everything. even the laptop. so now my up arrow button has been rendered useless because all the little parts got loose and magically fell off! i now have a sad, incomplete laptop that's dust-free. awesome.

i predict a more.... insightful entry for the next post.

cos i have a lot of things to say. but i feel impending doom tomorrow so i'm gonna do whatever i can for today.


by the way, K and i had pringles and coke for dinner. talk about decadence, man. whooooooooo. ok. work.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So i got dragged into being a sponsor for Dill's religious conversion.

It really is ironic, seeing how as a sponsor, I'm supposed to "lead my brethren to God's invitation blah blah blah something or another". Me. "GUIDE" a convertee and teach him the Word of God.

I might as well start giving malay lessons.

I'm just not the right person. I don't know. Shit, if I knew better, I probably did it for love.


no, really now. Minus the fact that it was hard to leave my very-much-in-love friend in the lurch, I thought that it was sweet of Dill to want to give up (what seemed like) everything for a Berd. better be nice and lend a hand, no?

Course, i'm rather suspicious of his much publicised affections for her. I thought he was just another cro magnon who portrays a very disturbing amount of manja-ness. I still think that. I guess the jaded side of me wants to witness first-hand the process of him giving up half-way so i can tell bern "i told you so" for the millionth time.

I truly am a bitch.

Or maybe, in a warped way, it was some act of divine manipulation to make me go back to church?

Now THAT would be a laugh.

I just hope i don't resent all this. Because i know i would.

so, would it be weird if i ended with an xoxoxoxo?

i guess it would.


Friday, May 18, 2007

i love m&m peanuts



i'm reading an amazing book where people from the future went back in time to make tiny revisions to the face of history to save the entire human race. as in really tiny, its not even worth being recorded in the annals of history.

i really admire his work. i do, truly madly deeply. and i don't care if i'm a geek-fan waxing lyrical about some sci-fi novel. i mean, i don't even like star wars.

but Card is an amazement, can? he not only weaves in obscure theories, he throws in a whole drama of moral anguish, bad choices AND HE DOESNT MAKE HIS HEROES AND HEROINES OUT TO BE EL PERFECTO. really, his book is anything but dull. i wish i could curl up in my bed and just read and read and read EVERYDAY.

and, honestly, the mixes of jargon and explanations are just right. it kinda makes me feel smarter reading the book. or more deluded, i don't know, seeing how knowledge of the principle of causality will be of no use to me unless i become a mad scientist trying to warp time.

its nice to live in a world of your own, UNDISTURBED, sometimes. course, its also nice to go bitch-festin' with seasoned rant-khakis who never fail to whip me up into shape or remind me to be a little more compassionate. all hail tough love, listening ears, mcD breakfasts, coffee and ice cream.

its what makes the world go round, i'm telling you.

and what makes me think that Earth is definitely better than Gliese 581.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


i fell sick. i mean, i am sick.

as in, mucus oozing from every pore, sick.

and tomorrow's a friday. tell me, is that good, bad or ugly?

The Mum is babying me right now and i am shamelessly enjoying it. She's asking me if i reeeaaally have to drag myself to work tomorrow. i am nodding my head in a deliberately pitiful manner just so i can milk more love outta her.

tell me, is that good, bad or ugly?

i'm going to mount everest one day and at that time, i will have my very own personal sherpa.

tell me, is that good, bad or ugly?
i also find people pretty repulsive. really i swear i'm becoming anti-social.
cos loooove is big, is bigger than us.
looooove is nooot what you're thinking offfff.
no. its not. its insane.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

it's a beautiful day

fuck, its such a beautiful day, i think i fell in love somewhere during the day. or maybe i bumped my head somewhere. or both.

really, i'm so happy, i think its retarded. i'm even blasting U2's Beautiful Day from my laptop's pantat.


or not. maybe i'm just genuinely happy. long live randomly-squirted endorphins. whooooooopeedoogoldberg.

so, minus the fact that i'm freaked out by my sudden burst of positivity, things have been looking up. course, i'm not counting my chickadickens before they hatch.

i thank god for not granting me my desperate wish to be abducted and taken to Gliese 581. cos i wouldn't be able to bitchfest with gabs or catch disturbing movies with ry. or eat customised ramly burgers and be loudly emo with the pseudo-lesbianitas at work. or sit down and layan benny. sheesh. taciturn my ass. first time i do the layaning, man. not that i'm complaining haaaaaah ROOOOAAAAR-BAZOOKA. this is where i insert plenty of smileys and deny i have a secret crush on one of my staff. GASP!

i havent seen my boss for more than two months. oh, tomok, tomok has forgotten teh cat. oh well as long as the cheques don't stop coming, i have no qualms being pretty much ignored. the whole episode of picking on fiona and nana has, thankfully, shifted his focus away from me. but i don't envy the crap they have to go through. tomok's tongue is as acidic as acid gets. no wonder his face is like that.


Sunday, May 13, 2007


have you noticed the crazy weather lately? now we know, mother nature has pms, too. or maybe its menopause. stupid weather. i tell you, its definitely hormones. i hate to think what mankind had to go through when she was still a teenager with raging hormones.

Monday, May 07, 2007

why blogger so weird one?!

huh huh huh? like, all my icons are stacked VERTICALLY. so weird! i feel like i'm having an intra-msn conversation over here. seriously.

anyways, i swear, i hate being a girl. you just get these odd mood swings. and its not even pms. i don't even know if being a girl has any hand to this. sheeshabillyballs.

ok, so anyway, i'm determined not to make this a post-depression blog post but i really feel much better.

and i'm more thick-skinned than before. bring on the withering stares that could shrivel up balls. I HAVE AN ARMOUR OF HARDENED EPIDERMAL CELLS OK! AND UNDER THAT, THERE'S ANOTHER LAYER OF KERATIN.


ph34r t3h c4t r4wr!!!11

btw, did you know? mentos has berry flavour now.

tastes like berries. but not really lah.

Friday, May 04, 2007

in peace & pieces

like what S said, all fridays are Good Fridays. but, all hail retail therapy and my all-time favourite rant-to friend, RY. my Friday couldn't have been better. RY, the only cha boh whom i can have dinner with at 8am in the morning. if it isn't love, it's enough. har.

so, anyway, its the weekends, thank god. there's been some interesting turn of events lately so i figure i have to re-think a few stuff. this could be the lowest point of my life, but, you know, the Irony Gods are pretty creative with their, well, irony.

this is pretty cool.

Cybernetic Artificial Technician Hardwired for Efficient Repair, Infiltration and Nocturnal Exploration

Get Your Cyborg Name


so, ignoring the fact that this is a pretty distracted, whoa-whoa-what-the-fuck-you-talking-about post, AND ignoring the fact that i really have nth much to say, i'm pretty sane.

Saner than usual, even.

because, with every cliche comes something interesting. with every dark cloud, there's a silver-bloody-lining that's so faint, you could really call it a blessing in disguise. i don't miss what i used to have. rather, i miss what i didn't have and who i wasn't.

anyways, dad's bday is this week. and so is mother's day. in the spirit of equality, i've decided not to give both anything. only because they've given me everything they could and having one lousy day to SHOW (or attempt to show) appreciation is stupid. its like giving sand to a miner in exchange for his diamonds. SNORT. some lousy grains for the world's hardest thing. HAHHHAHAHAHAHA.


even though sometimes i'd like to bash their heads on the wall, i love them to bits and pieces. sometimes, they'd probably love to drown me in the toilet bowl but i know they love me to bits and pieces, too. that's enough, i guess.

I guess this takes the cake

Charming Amorous Temptress Hungering for Erotic Recreation and Intense, Naughty Embraces

Get Your Sexy Name

so i was thinking. now, i'd like to just hide somewhere before i emerge again. because i'm drained. and right now, i think the whole world is ugly & small. its overwhelming. it makes you want to be emo and anti-social sometimes.

but thank God i'm not alone.

there is a God, really. he sends his love. in bits and pieces, too.


Goddess Adeptly Bestowing Backrubs and Yeses

Get Your Sexy Name


and maggot.

Marvelous Adonis Giving Gratification and Overwhelming Touches

Get Your Sexy Name

and ry

Ravishing Untamed One Yielding Indulgence and Naughty Gratification

Get Your Sexy Name

and p.sabif

Playful Stud Adeptly Bestowing Intense Fantasies

Get Your Sexy Name

good to know p. sabif means a whole load of different things, ehy. didnt know what avatar to give him. it was either the rose or a pair of condoms. but well.

ok lah bye.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

i am so sad, it's disgusting.

it's not even funny anymore. it's not as if i can laugh and pick myself up just like that.


fuck emoness, dammit. i just want to disappear. i wish some alien ship would suck me up and transport me to Gliese 581 cos then i'll be 20 light years away from earth and alone where i can muck around.

fuck it isn't funny. for all i know, i could die in like 15 minutes of some freak accident. maybe my chicken rice was laced with cyanide. i don't know. now i wish it really was.

cos it never rains. it pours. and i'm just waiting for the one big blow that will knock me off balance and leave brawling on the floor like a baby.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

of friendship & sex

There is a goddess for that, did you know?! her name is Philotes. The Greeks are special, special people.

And i finally caught 300 today, after months of being blur in the middle of post-300 gushings. Phil's friend is a true sweetie, minus the fact that he keeps explaining stuff to Steph. If people don't get it, don't need to explaaaain lah.

I mean, if a person doesn't get a joke, no point explaining, right. The moment's just lost.

Bern's sisters just gave birth. So, now, there's seven kids in total. Every time i drop by her jumbo flat in the weekends, it's like a mini nursery. But they're intelligent kids. A few quiet ones, a few of them born with a PA system installed in their vocal cords.

Like I said, it takes all kinds to make up the world.

adam is a jfdsshd awesome kinda hfddsaf.