zh tagged me and apparently, i am REQUIRED to state 8 random facts about me. 8 facts, huh. FACTS. gee.
1. i am a girl. or, at least, i meet every physical characteristic of a female human. i think.
2. i chew my fingernails. i'm trying to recall if i have ever swallowed any.
3. i hate sci-fi but am an avid orson scott card fan.
4. my hair is made up of an unknown element. when added with water and glycerin, it produces a white ppt and an unknown gas, as observed through the massive bubble production. gas is said to be combustible and highly reactive to warm, damp conditions. element is said to be a cousin of kryptonite. superman, beware. marketing dept have yet to come up with a super cool name.
5. i have the attention span of a two year old kid.
6. i am extremely fickle. not something im proud of. i think. but then again, being fickle is a good thing, too, sometimes. i don't know. i like being fickle. no wait. i don't. grr. or maybe i do. yeah. ok, no no. i take that back.
7. people dont laugh at my jokes, they laugh at me laughing at my jokes. snort har har har haaaargh cough cough cough.
8. i am, by definition, not lame. i can walk perfectly well, except for that weird gait i'm most reputed to have. fuck you, iven. i walk like that cos my toes are in the way godammit!
nap time. later, alligator.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
pronouncing initials as a word
OTOT- ought-ought
DKNY- dick-knee
FCUK- fuh-cook
GST- juiced
BRB- burp
sigh. back to my report.
DKNY- dick-knee
FCUK- fuh-cook
GST- juiced
BRB- burp
sigh. back to my report.
if, for one day, we could take everything at face value without second guessing motives, underlying meanings and what have yous, the world would be a better place.
if, one day.
i have this hope that the multiple coats of lacquer on everyone would start to dull and peel off with time and we can finally truly say 'what you see is what you get'.
i celebrated my birthday for real today, one day after The Day. not that the 12th wasn't special or anything. it was, except for the working part. got a morning greeting from ZH, calling me 'majesty' and all that jazz. prolly the only person who can tahan AND layan my outrageously cmi jokes. steph got me a little cake with a candle in it and a message scrawled on the box saying 'happy 19th bday, babater. omedetto'. and, of course, the tradition of having to 'pull numbers' for 4d. i have such sweet, weird, important friends/sibs. the 11th was extraordinary as well, with a fabulous dinner and an even more fabulous company. of course, we ended up shopping as well, as usual.
i can't remember the last time i blew candles on a cake with the family. we're all so caught up in whatever it is we seemed to be caught up with the past few years. i can't even have a proper conversation with my baby brother without having this vile mixture of resentment and loathing being caught in my throat. and i love him so much that i can even hate him and get away with it. i truly am a monster, man.
but, well. i'll give him a hug later so that i can at least redeem myself a little. such a calculative move, cat you terrible glob of protoplasm. although, he seems to have forgotten the stupid things i said but i am very fucking guilty now :(
so, today, i had a heart-shaped strawberry mousse cake. i used to... strongly dislike strawberries AND mousse. my, how things have changed. and there were candles on it and i made a real wish. i'm trying hard not to sound like a wide-eyed girly girl but i made a real wish! it has to be the heart-shaped cake lah. it does something to you, makes you a little soft in the head.
and since i'm still soft in the head, i'm off to photoshop some photos i got. whether i'll post them is another thing.
but i'm happy.
19, cat. make it matter.
if, one day.
i have this hope that the multiple coats of lacquer on everyone would start to dull and peel off with time and we can finally truly say 'what you see is what you get'.
i celebrated my birthday for real today, one day after The Day. not that the 12th wasn't special or anything. it was, except for the working part. got a morning greeting from ZH, calling me 'majesty' and all that jazz. prolly the only person who can tahan AND layan my outrageously cmi jokes. steph got me a little cake with a candle in it and a message scrawled on the box saying 'happy 19th bday, babater. omedetto'. and, of course, the tradition of having to 'pull numbers' for 4d. i have such sweet, weird, important friends/sibs. the 11th was extraordinary as well, with a fabulous dinner and an even more fabulous company. of course, we ended up shopping as well, as usual.
i can't remember the last time i blew candles on a cake with the family. we're all so caught up in whatever it is we seemed to be caught up with the past few years. i can't even have a proper conversation with my baby brother without having this vile mixture of resentment and loathing being caught in my throat. and i love him so much that i can even hate him and get away with it. i truly am a monster, man.
but, well. i'll give him a hug later so that i can at least redeem myself a little. such a calculative move, cat you terrible glob of protoplasm. although, he seems to have forgotten the stupid things i said but i am very fucking guilty now :(
so, today, i had a heart-shaped strawberry mousse cake. i used to... strongly dislike strawberries AND mousse. my, how things have changed. and there were candles on it and i made a real wish. i'm trying hard not to sound like a wide-eyed girly girl but i made a real wish! it has to be the heart-shaped cake lah. it does something to you, makes you a little soft in the head.
and since i'm still soft in the head, i'm off to photoshop some photos i got. whether i'll post them is another thing.
but i'm happy.
19, cat. make it matter.
as wretched, cynical and mad as she may be
she loved.
being happy, that is.
being happy, that is.
Monday, August 13, 2007
i was 18.
thanks for all the smses, phone calls and stuff. course, i'm genuinely surprised at who remembered and who forgot. ok, lah not really.
so, now.
i've decided alot of things.
now, to put them in action.
so, now.
i've decided alot of things.
now, to put them in action.
it's a draw, then.
eh, but stop trying to best me, asshole. not everything is a competition.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
because they did the math
last day today.
i have never felt so sad and so relieved at the same time.
i spent almost half a year over there. feels like my life got ripped apart, as dramatic as it sounds.
spotted a sign above M's desk. it read: FREE! Account servicing spine removal.
threw away the spoof brief K, C & M did. Got a pooh-neh from boss. got free lunches and dinners the whole week. and GAD-whom-i-aspire-to-be-like-one-day came for my farewell cum birthday dinner even though he left the company like a month ago. i feel so touched/honoured/sad.
i hate that i'm going to spend days pining over the people i will miss. i hate that come next monday, i don't have to drag my ass to work before 9 for WIP meeting. or churn briefs.
from the good days to the suay days, the good and bad, i loved every bit of it as much as i hated it. i may have complained alot but, hey. i'll bet no one got a stuffed cat pillow from her account director. i'm going to name it pooh-neh, that ridiculous nick S gave me. Apparently it means 'cat' in tamil. aha. fahni.
aku sedih. but my bday's less than 2 days away! smth to look forward to, i guess. going for a movie marathon with ry after work :)
jyaas was right. birthdays aren't special. it's just another year you haven't died. what's the big deal? sigh. sucks to be exhausted & sad at the same time.
makes you snap at your brother for being a lazy-fucking-bum.
and avon is a malaysian brand as stated at the bottom of post 'rant and rave, i will'. alternatively, you may want to ask your nearest mak cik. should there be any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at catherinity@gmail.com
have a nice weekend ahead.
warmest regards,
Catherine Francis (Ms)
Very Sad Intern
i have never felt so sad and so relieved at the same time.
i spent almost half a year over there. feels like my life got ripped apart, as dramatic as it sounds.
spotted a sign above M's desk. it read: FREE! Account servicing spine removal.
threw away the spoof brief K, C & M did. Got a pooh-neh from boss. got free lunches and dinners the whole week. and GAD-whom-i-aspire-to-be-like-one-day came for my farewell cum birthday dinner even though he left the company like a month ago. i feel so touched/honoured/sad.
i hate that i'm going to spend days pining over the people i will miss. i hate that come next monday, i don't have to drag my ass to work before 9 for WIP meeting. or churn briefs.
from the good days to the suay days, the good and bad, i loved every bit of it as much as i hated it. i may have complained alot but, hey. i'll bet no one got a stuffed cat pillow from her account director. i'm going to name it pooh-neh, that ridiculous nick S gave me. Apparently it means 'cat' in tamil. aha. fahni.
aku sedih. but my bday's less than 2 days away! smth to look forward to, i guess. going for a movie marathon with ry after work :)
jyaas was right. birthdays aren't special. it's just another year you haven't died. what's the big deal? sigh. sucks to be exhausted & sad at the same time.
makes you snap at your brother for being a lazy-fucking-bum.
and avon is a malaysian brand as stated at the bottom of post 'rant and rave, i will'. alternatively, you may want to ask your nearest mak cik. should there be any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at catherinity@gmail.com
have a nice weekend ahead.
warmest regards,
Catherine Francis (Ms)
Very Sad Intern
Saturday, August 04, 2007
rant and rave, i will.
waaaaaaaahlau eh.
the mak cik mak cik Avons* are giving Ishwor the cold shoulder. or maybe its the other way round.
HILARIOUS. god knows what happened during the weekdays. but well. this would be the most tense weekend i've ever experienced. don't mess with mak ciks, i tell you. they're worst than pms-ish teens.
If you were to ask me to give you one word to describe my, uh, emotions/state of mind right now, i'd say i'm disturbed. 15 minutes ago, shorty was crying. she was on the phone, so i guess nora was verbally whacking her.
i probably am guilty of the same mistake they're making- not solving the matter-at-hand instantly. but it's in our nature, isn't it? to choose if we want to fight or flee at the face of danger/uncomfortable situations. shorty's nonchalant take on the whole thing was probably her way of defense. after all, nora's not exactly your demure, subservient protagonist-in-love.
boss asked me if i wanted to take a long break after my attachment. haven't really thought about it. but i did mention that it'll be swell if he could sponsor a trip to some tropical island where a supply plane comes in every 2 weeks to see if you're alive and other than that, you're basically the only inhabitant. i mean, i'm TIRED of people. The weekdays see me liaising with the nit-picky madams. oh! should it be a colon or a semi-colon?... oh! the woman's face looks too DI-ed... oh! oh! oh! oh! fuck lah oh, oh, oh.
You take that and you multiply the irritant-level by about a thousand and you get the impossible-to-please customers i get every weekend.
And i swear, i'm damn suay! Every shift i've run for the past month has had a complaint about the food. and not any noooormal complain, but serious ones! ALL THE FUCKING SUPPLIER'S FAULT. One customer found a fish hook in the fish head. Tell me which girl won't get a heart attack? Abang advised me to bathe in flowers, cos maybe its just some bad fengshui. WHAAAAAAAT THE FUCK. but i gotta admit, my room's in the same state it was last december. go figure.
*for the uninitiated, Avon is this M'sian brand coveted by the mak ciks in the kitchen. if you're giggling, my guess is, you must know what a VAAAAST variety of products Avon sells.
the mak cik mak cik Avons* are giving Ishwor the cold shoulder. or maybe its the other way round.
HILARIOUS. god knows what happened during the weekdays. but well. this would be the most tense weekend i've ever experienced. don't mess with mak ciks, i tell you. they're worst than pms-ish teens.
If you were to ask me to give you one word to describe my, uh, emotions/state of mind right now, i'd say i'm disturbed. 15 minutes ago, shorty was crying. she was on the phone, so i guess nora was verbally whacking her.
i probably am guilty of the same mistake they're making- not solving the matter-at-hand instantly. but it's in our nature, isn't it? to choose if we want to fight or flee at the face of danger/uncomfortable situations. shorty's nonchalant take on the whole thing was probably her way of defense. after all, nora's not exactly your demure, subservient protagonist-in-love.
boss asked me if i wanted to take a long break after my attachment. haven't really thought about it. but i did mention that it'll be swell if he could sponsor a trip to some tropical island where a supply plane comes in every 2 weeks to see if you're alive and other than that, you're basically the only inhabitant. i mean, i'm TIRED of people. The weekdays see me liaising with the nit-picky madams. oh! should it be a colon or a semi-colon?... oh! the woman's face looks too DI-ed... oh! oh! oh! oh! fuck lah oh, oh, oh.
You take that and you multiply the irritant-level by about a thousand and you get the impossible-to-please customers i get every weekend.
And i swear, i'm damn suay! Every shift i've run for the past month has had a complaint about the food. and not any noooormal complain, but serious ones! ALL THE FUCKING SUPPLIER'S FAULT. One customer found a fish hook in the fish head. Tell me which girl won't get a heart attack? Abang advised me to bathe in flowers, cos maybe its just some bad fengshui. WHAAAAAAAT THE FUCK. but i gotta admit, my room's in the same state it was last december. go figure.
*for the uninitiated, Avon is this M'sian brand coveted by the mak ciks in the kitchen. if you're giggling, my guess is, you must know what a VAAAAST variety of products Avon sells.
kept bugging ol' zh to read orson scott card (just like i swore i would). AND HE LOVES IT! hardeharharhar. and i'm blogging it because i'm waiting for chris to pick me up before heading to christel's place.
wgs debaters gathering. can't wait. oh, but sorry, christel, for being late. apologise in advance =D
wgs debaters gathering. can't wait. oh, but sorry, christel, for being late. apologise in advance =D
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