It's way past my bedtime. Laugh all you want, you nocturnal Neanderthals but I'm sleepy, only, i really really really like John Mayer's 'Vultures' so i'm just going to put it on repeat until i jelak.
Anyways, most of us have survived iap so far. I've learnt plenty, thanks to my small fry position as Ze Crazy Intern. Because I'm practically invisible to the other depts, I get to snoop around and listen in on the latest happenings, or conveniently glance at other people's contact reports, then steal away into the darkness that is the shadow of the towering newspapers.
Jokes aside, I've noticed my heavy reliance on coffee. It's scary but I can't function well enough without a cuppa. I tried abstaining once and i ended up having a migraine. Of course, that could be due to the piles of newspaper near my area. The psi level around my 3by3 is definitely unhealthy. There's probably enough dust there to clog my brains.
But, the point is, I couldn't take it not having a cup of coffee.
And I'm telling you, caffeine is most definitely just like nicotine. Which, by the way, is the main reason why I choose not to suck the gaseous by-product of burnt tobacco through a paper filter.
I mean, we smoke, or rather, you smoke, or, ok, Smokers smoke because nicotine makes them feel whatever it is that nicotine makes them feel. We'll just call it the 'Shiok feeling' to make things less complicated. Of course, the Shiok feeling could mean alot of things. The relief of defecating, the climax of fornication, the satiation of hunger. [Sheeshabilly'sballs there's such a word as satiation!]
But caffeine is scarier. You don't down a cup of coffee for some shiok feeling. You need the damn thing. It's like a ritual of some sort. According to a study done by so&soh, there's a huge margin between the behaviour before and after caffeine influence in homo sapiens. They display varied levels of annoyance to the point of temporary menopause/andropause before caffeine intake. Such is the power of coffee.
So, I was thinking. If I'm already addicted to caffeine, why not nicotine?
Because the graphic pictures on the packs, thats why. You dont take em seriously but hey. you're talking about the girl who can't sleep alone in the dark.
I'd probably think twice about coffee if they put little graphics of our braincells dying or something. By the way, does caffeine do that? I don't know. I just know it's bad for our body. Cos, well, its something i like isn't it? Whatever you like isn't good for you.
time ti hit the sack-reel-age. nightoes.
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