Monday, June 18, 2007

hontou ni kana sai

terrifying weekend it was, sanur drama and the likes.

only, its not exactly drama but a comedy of sorts, short of any hunkables, except shorty, of course.

i came across a rather difficult customer yesterday, who, for some reason, has a grudge against a certain curly-haired psycho with a red badge. she was a horrendous bitch, but i suppose its the fatigue that comes with the CHALLENGING business of making babies AND making her husband's life ridiculously mundane and noisy simultaneously.

if all women ended up as psychotic acid-tongued lactating machines, i'd commit seppuku before i ever got married. or have babies. whichever comes first.

i read the last installation of Card's ender's game and ender's shadow. they were meant to be companion series and both drifted off to different timelines and theme. one was about possible politics after an (yeah i know i know) alien invasion and the other was about some obscure life-related mystery with awesome words like auia and philotes and whatnot. i feel quite sad now that i've reached the end.

if only someone else read the whole lot, then we can rant and rave and gush and mush about the brilliance of Card. sucks to be me. =(

oooor i could coerce someone into reading Card's books AND liking them. heh heh heh. my first target would be... ZH cos, i don't know. you look like a potential Card fan. or i could agonise gabs and make her read the whole book out loud to me over the phone. bunsen burner included. hardeharhar.

or i could just be a normal, curly-haired waitress cum intern-account-coordinator and not read silly, cheem books that make me feel smart(er).

the gang and i came up with ridiculous punchlines to be said at the end of every sentence, preferably, a bitching sentence. such is the influence of oxygen and tahu telur fumes. who needs alcohol when you can get high on the smell of grease?

you've probably guessed it. its childish, but it is the spawn of built-up resentment against Ze Evil Customaires. hontou ni kana sai.

i'm happy. not contented, no. but happy. oops, i felt a surge of endorphins coursing through my veins. oh, there it is again.


hey, you. my deus ex machina. save me from the blasphemy that is my pride. whittle it, give it form.

be my midnight Saviour.

be my plot twist.

my deus ex machina.

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