it's that time of the year again, where you get a terrifying jolt of realisation that the end of the year is but 3 months away.
twenty oh eight. why am i even thinking about it? i'm nineteen. i'm supposed to feel invincible and plenty of untapped super powers that could potentially help me take over the world single-handedly. i'll never die and if i did, i'd be resurrected within three days. (GAAAAAAASP! BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!! BUH-LAS-FUH-MAY!!!!)
but, you know, despite me being happy (most of the time) and all, i can't help but be paranoid of the impending doom coming my way. our way. it's like the calm before the storm. or the huge breath you take before screaming shrilly.
maybe its just the prospect of the new school term or the many subtle changes happening that's making me a little wary. seems to me like everyone i know is making some form of life-changing decision, leaving me where i am now, which was where i was before.
i need to digress a little because this is a VIP for me to make. A VERY IMPORTANT POINT. see, i'm looking at my fingernails now and, god, they're hideous. they don't look like fingernails even. sheesh. i'm betting five months worth of fingernail-chewing did that. i'll probably die from keratin ingestion or something. would you be sad? for me, i mean. hmmmmmm?
gosh, i don't know why but i feel like i'm on top of the world. i'm so happy, i'm kinda scared. it's not right for things to go, well, right! right? right! right. hardehar.
wahlau i FEEL hyper. its so wrong. i just wanna start running. or singing. or laughing, no, guffawing, at the littlest things.
funny how food can change your mood =)
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