Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 idiosyncrasies as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your 6 weirdness-es, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their multiply id (or anything equivalent) at the bottom of your blog. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you’re tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means. (as if i'm gonna do that)
weird cat fact 1: if i too lazy to cook maggi, i eat rice with muruku. or potato chips. or doritos. depending on availability.
weird cat fact 2: i'm not smelly. GASP.
weird cat fact 3: i like re-reading books. not twice, but many many times. as in, maaaany. until i can tell you exactly which page ender will kill bonzo.
weird cat fact 4: my mess has a system. crumpled yellow paper on one side, eraser dirt on the other, staples in a corner and crumpled white paper on the floor. its the only time i'm organised.
weird cat fact 5: i laugh to myself alot. i also talk to myself. i find cat the best best friend cat can ever have.
weird cat fact 6: i don't blush. i laugh really loud instead.
ok yeah. so 6 people ah.
1. maggot
2. P.Sabif
3. chris
4. nana. just cos i wanna see if you can come up with another 6 weird facts
5. anonymous
6. nat
just out of curiosity..does the name maggot refer to me? hahaha..
Anyway, i couldnt find the anime u recommended..Could only find Ghost Hunt rather than Ghost Hunters..
yeap. thats the one. ghost hunt.
oh..if it's Ghost Hunt, then i've already watched all 24 episodes.
I know..i dun have a life. :)
its 25 episodes. and dont worry. i also no life siah.
i watched it countless times too. AND I KNOW ALL THE SPOILERS, should there be a second season. hehhehheh
Meowww... I'll put mine up soon :D
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