Wednesday, April 11, 2007

of steals, mcDs and retail therapy, and thai food =B

i don't usually blog much about my daaaaily mundaaaaane activities. not after i revamped BBB, which, by the way, wasn't much of a revamp, just a whole white-washed version of something i was 4 years ago.

but my nanny came baaaaack! And wtflolotr, she's damn hot. and that's sad, i tell you because i can't fit into her jeans and she's such a pretty little thing which is daaaamn weird cos from what i remembered, i thought she was an evil witch who favoured my baby brother because he was a boy. and thats was some longass sentence. but i thought she was INSANE and bias. she was just like any witch, just like any pontianak hungering for some macho blood. not that phil is much of a macho-man, as some people might concur *cough*insect*cough*

but they were inseperable! and whenever she went out, she'd come back with some little toycar for philip the insect to play with. and philip's imagination is damn screwed. he goes vroom vroom brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm all over the house until all the walls had random grey race tracks.

yeah, and you guessed it. i loathed the lady, who is really my mother's sister. call it maturity if you must but i love her to bits now because how can you hate someone who played a mega role in your life more than a decade ago? and now that she's one of the biggest contributers to cat's pocket money fund, she's number one on my love-love list. (nana comes second because i love her ass. then comes gabby cos i love freaking her out, no?) SNORT.

i miss sch but i figured it was a good decision to get out of the system and get thrown into a 2m deep pool filled with grease.

i'm just glad though not really, since sharing a 3by3 all day saps all your energy. but i'm glad.

and i'm thankful that i've managed to shrug off un-necessaries.


Polalion said...

I have to say... I didn't know "necessary" was a noun.

Gabby said...

phil the "INSECT" but i love ur bro. =) must have another makan session soon =)

yes yes ur on my love-love list too. since i love my granny that has a death wish. =)

Gabby said...

wtf is with the nick.

Lord ShadowKhan said...

i wished i had a hot nanny..