I honestly have no idea why a lot of people thought it sucked. Will Smith is a bloody good actor, man. He is officially my hero. Hiroyuki Sanada is now second place okay. I mean, c'mon. He, alone, held film together for about 45 minutes before the real action came.
And speaking of action, i hid behind my besar bag whenever i heard growls and war cries from the 'infected ones'. Oh, my faint heart. ALAMAK. I still am a girl after all.
But other than that, it was bloody awesome. Now i'm in the middle of a heated debate with Fiona about how I am Legend was WAAAAAY better than National Treasure, even though i haven't watched the latter. It pays to be capable in BSing.
Don't you think Nicholas Cage looks like a constipated, piteous little thing ALL THE TIME? It's like he's always this hero with a sad past or something. Plus, he wears a perpetual frown as if he's in the middle of mid life crisis. Its like watching City of Angels all over again every time I'm watching a movie he stars in. Ok, so only Cage can make an action movie soppier than usual. I'll give him that.
HAPPY 3rd day of 2008! Don't lose sight of your resolution(s), if you have them. Need a person to pose as a challenge from achieving your goals? A Mdm Devil in the flesh, assuring you that it is A-OK to succumb to dark, desirable, decadent habits while you struggle against your weakness? A test for you to see how strong a character you are? I'm here. I'd even do it for free.
Oh, the things i do for you people.
Btw, I DID decide on a resolution in the end and that is to be the light in the darkness or something like that. And I'm going to take small baby steps.
First, I will at least ATTEMPT to find a silver lining in every dark bloody cloud, no matter how obscure. Like, see. My IBM's notoriously slow. But that's good cos then i have a valid excuse to complain, making me talk more so i can listen to my own voice and thrive on my narcissism through subtle means that do not inflict DIRECT psychological/emotional damage on innocent bystanders, like blog readers. YEAH. No offense intended so don't cari pasal with me, ok. The fact that i constantly update Bloody Blatant Blasphemy with the full knowledge of who my readers are NOT, goes to show what a terrible narcissist I am. I don't even need a lot of readers. I just like knowing that BBB is a public domain and any unsuspecting web surfer can chance upon and probably die a bloody and blasphemous death.
Terrible, I know.
Onto my second step! And that is to STOP SAYING 'WHATEVER'. It's such a negative word, i find. It's disturbing and annoying whenever i get such nonchalant replies to whatever it is I say. I'm assuming people are like me (ARGHAHHAHAHAHA) and feel the same way, too. So I'll try to stop my whatevering and snorting.
Ok. Work beckons.
eh snorting is damn funny ok.
"whatever" isn't so go ahead and get rid of that.
let's watch national treasure next!
EH I KNOW!! IT WAS DAMN FREAKY AND I DUNNO WHY PPL DIDN'T THINK IT WAS COOL!! I was hiding behind langer half the time la.
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