Sunday, December 30, 2007

1001 days unseen


So a year has (almost) passed, hooray the world hasn't ended yet!

Am I the only one who is quite apprehensive about the new year? I think I am. Just like every eve of the eve of new year's, I dread the coming year. DREAD IT. DREAD IT. DREAD IT.

Honestly, it's that time of the year again where you get lost in misanthropic thoughts and hatch sinister plots to take over the world or worse, hand the world over to aliens who'd rule us through dictatorship, fueling it with threats to conduct inhuman experiments on us or eat us alive.

Ok lah, I'm not usually such a gloomy person. As proof of my increasingly cheery disposition, my wardrobe has changed drastically. I have more colours now, especially yellow. I just bought a yellow polka-dotted top because it made me feel happy. Not that you care. Oh. And i have 5 pairs of heels, 2 of which are potential suicide aids if you'd like to die with your spine twisted in an awkward position.

Yeah. I can't believe it either.

It won't be long before i own a proper dress. OMG. SO SCARY.

On the same topic, I have decided to try my hand at some t-shirt deconstruction. 1st step is to transform my OP t-shirts (yeah i know, shut up) into awesome halters or something along those lines.

Now, to learn how to thread a needle.

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