concussed on the way home today. purposely chose the longest route home so i could leverage on my travelling time. but i'm honestly unsure if i passed out during the ride or just fell into a deep sleep. should i freak or assume the calm position of an intrigued subject-cum-scientist and examine my cerebral organ?
oh well.
i just had to satisfy my blogging itch with a post, no matter how short. seems like whenever i have an essay to churn out, my creative juices dissipates for the job but ends up being useful for something entirely redundant.
good news, though. i wrote 535 words in less than an hour. includes time taken for research and outline too! and its not anyhow whack job, ok. i'm taking this seriously because our lecturer, M, is such a nice person, he's like an intellectual version of father christmas, always telling the class how we make him happy.
gotta finish this up soon, though. there's still swots and recommendations to force out of my system before the sun rises.
i heard this from somewhere but i forgot who said it. "i don't sleep. i take naps."
on a totally unrelated topic, i am not unhappy (:
sure, i could continue to lie to myself and live in decadent anticipation but if its for the greater good of all mankind, i don't see anything wrong. except for the self-denial but i'll survive.
guess what my essay was initially about? SEXUAL HARASSMENT - WHEN THE TABLES ARE TURNED. i was too ambitious. there is absolutely nothing on molested/raped men! why is it that only human beings without a dick get molested?
oh, i know.
because women are holier than men, ultimately, making them the better gender.
argh, headache lagi.
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