"oh my god," i thought, "it's a vampire romance story" and died of shock.
of course, i did what any incredulous sister would do.
i revived out of curiosity AND read the book AND finished it. i shit you not. in all honesty, i sort of have a mild fascination about vampires. and i learnt that this book, twilight, has sequels! but would i read them?
oh god, no.
cos i read the synopsis on wikipedia. TEEHEEEHEEE.
but anyways! the hols are here. it officially started last friday BUT this /\/\/\/\/\ entity decides to make it more difficult for people like me to graduate and gave us a TWENTYFREAKINFIVE percent take home test on what could be the worst case study in my entire lifetime.
Tiger Airways.
if i fail, i will curl up in a ball, cry my heart out, refuse to eat and mumble "JENG... JENG...JENG..." until it drives my mother crazy enough to stop force-feeding me and let me die of starvation.
so we had fun during the whole process. spent a considerable amount of time in the school library, logged onto factiva, backing up the snot, oops i meant, SWOT analysis we whacked at that point. and then we spontaneously decided to take a trip down to changi airport to get our grubby hands on tiger airways collaterals!!! there were none in the end but we managed to talk to some passengers and it was so fun that i've decided to kah-poh peeeeeektures from audrey's blog and post it here. embellishments and shit are done by yours truly, although i only bothered for the first one. i'm a lazy bitch, i've dealt with it.
check kenneth checking himself out in the library.
and there's us being all chirpy on our IMC field trip. notice how i'm grinning like a serial killer?
and my back. i never knew my back looked like this. not like i was expecting a tail or spikey spine or anything.
and emmy awards (her name's emelyn, really. only i can come up with nicknames longer than a person's real name) with audrey, my all-time favourite radio partner. if anyone happened to be at level 8 in blk 53 the past few months and noticed hoots and howls of laughter coming from daw 3, its us. too bad we've come to the end of productions and have to work on a more mundane assignment - a station proposal. oh yeah. here's the photo before i forget.
so there you have it.
and the story goes on to us going our seperate ways, me going home and the three musketeers heading to ken's place to cheooooong. ended up sleeping a miserable hour before getting up to print my stuff and arrange the appendices and then, hastily barging through the gates. i realised i forgot my cover page and had to patah balik and anyhow whack one out, making me late for the hand-in.
exactly. sigh.
to nicely end this narrative how-my-day-went post, i'll tell you the 'resolution' part of the story. i dragged my feet home, changed into a loose t-shirt and slept so long, my dad thought i died. APPARENTLY what happened was that he tried to rouse a motionless catherine, didn't get a response and decided to seek the aid of a better, more experienced cat-rouser.
my sister.
she did what she usually did, that is, to leap unto my bed, put her face so close to mine that i can FEEL the air vibrate as she screams "caaaaathy you don't want to eaaaaaaat?!"
it seems i opened my eyes and said "i will fucking rip your head off" before sliding back into the covers. IN FRONT OF MY DADDY.
i don't remember any detail of it, to tell you the truth. but one thing that confused me even more was how steph analysed the whole situation before coming to the weirdest conclusion ever.
she said, rather triumphantly, that my temper was because i had "low blood pressure"
wah. macam doctor like that.
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