so i'm in school now, attempting to cramp chapters of media research methods into my very capable-but-easily-distracted brain. everyone in the library's busy mugging or, at least, busy pretending to be mugging.
i'm just watching stuff on the quality's better than youtube man. and they've got shitloads of anime in there. there's even doraemon. whooo!
about 5 hours to go before i haul my butt to chris' place and i can't wait. i plan to make jyaas over into a hotter babe.
remember this?
yeap. i'm gonna make him hotter and more desirable than me. i am truly the epitome of altruism.
and then maybe joseph and him can live happily ever after.
phil's getting his results this friday. he has his heart set on banking and finance in np. too bad i'll be on my attachment when he enters school. else, i can accidentally bump into him and extort money. grrr.
The part abt joseph and jyaas living happily together..i think tt's sweet. I always wanted to witness a gay marriage. It has been a lifelong dream of mine.
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