Sunday, February 11, 2007

if monkeys could count

i'd fall, hard
scab my knee,
cry, as if no one heard.
laugh, just because
it's not real
the pain.

if donkeys could purr,
i'd stop, pretend
to count the shiny
dead, brilliant a thousand
centuries ago,
they shone.

if toads could sing,
i'd smile, without
a reason. For nothing
i'd laugh, restrained
because He

and if lions could sigh,
i'd feel, clouded.
even predators lost
hope, will You
try to, please,
save us.

only if.
because You promised
a miracle, i wasn't
convinced like them.

And they're not stupid.

*and this is what advert does to people. hard sell, soft sell, soft porn. whatever. advertising is as painful to the brain as r3aDiNg mY R4nTs bEIng tYpED liKE tHiS xXwOrxX. yeap. you take that brain pain and multiply it by a thousand. there you go.


Polalion said...

I love you too.

The arabic is still irritating.

Goddess said...

eh alamak, dont stress la. btw i revamped my template too. I now have a HOTASS pic of a HOTASS woman with her boobs showing on my page. Lol i wanted to make it bigger but dont kiow how cos they dont show e html. but ohwells, got a tagboard up too. drop by and gimme a shoutout.