Saturday, August 11, 2007

because they did the math

last day today.

i have never felt so sad and so relieved at the same time.

i spent almost half a year over there. feels like my life got ripped apart, as dramatic as it sounds.

spotted a sign above M's desk. it read: FREE! Account servicing spine removal.

threw away the spoof brief K, C & M did. Got a pooh-neh from boss. got free lunches and dinners the whole week. and GAD-whom-i-aspire-to-be-like-one-day came for my farewell cum birthday dinner even though he left the company like a month ago. i feel so touched/honoured/sad.

i hate that i'm going to spend days pining over the people i will miss. i hate that come next monday, i don't have to drag my ass to work before 9 for WIP meeting. or churn briefs.

from the good days to the suay days, the good and bad, i loved every bit of it as much as i hated it. i may have complained alot but, hey. i'll bet no one got a stuffed cat pillow from her account director. i'm going to name it pooh-neh, that ridiculous nick S gave me. Apparently it means 'cat' in tamil. aha. fahni.

aku sedih. but my bday's less than 2 days away! smth to look forward to, i guess. going for a movie marathon with ry after work :)

jyaas was right. birthdays aren't special. it's just another year you haven't died. what's the big deal? sigh. sucks to be exhausted & sad at the same time.

makes you snap at your brother for being a lazy-fucking-bum.

and avon is a malaysian brand as stated at the bottom of post 'rant and rave, i will'. alternatively, you may want to ask your nearest mak cik. should there be any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at

have a nice weekend ahead.

warmest regards,
Catherine Francis (Ms)
Very Sad Intern

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