Saturday, November 03, 2007

like, totally

i am officially part of the dead undead society, where dead zombies petition for a third chance to be alive again. this time, to live it up.

ok. lars and the real girl. it's a story that makes you have a perpetual lump in your throat. ryan gosling was the best choice for the part of lars. imagine tom cruise acting the part! or or or or monotonous keanu reeves! but must watch man.

so anyway im wide awake now. talk cock with fiona until we fell asleep on the couch. macam got a thousand and one stories to say man. i predict i am going to be unproductive for the next few hours. that makes it the third day i've been stubbornly unproductive.

what to do. i going through temporaria rebelliusus phasa. its a dreaded disease that strikes a t the wrong time.

eh, what are you waiting for? go watch lars and the real girl and be awed.

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