Wednesday, May 02, 2007

i am so sad, it's disgusting.

it's not even funny anymore. it's not as if i can laugh and pick myself up just like that.


fuck emoness, dammit. i just want to disappear. i wish some alien ship would suck me up and transport me to Gliese 581 cos then i'll be 20 light years away from earth and alone where i can muck around.

fuck it isn't funny. for all i know, i could die in like 15 minutes of some freak accident. maybe my chicken rice was laced with cyanide. i don't know. now i wish it really was.

cos it never rains. it pours. and i'm just waiting for the one big blow that will knock me off balance and leave brawling on the floor like a baby.

1 comment:

Lord ShadowKhan said...

hmm..i would agree on the freak accident thing but chicken rice laced with cyanide?