Tuesday, May 01, 2007

of friendship & sex

There is a goddess for that, did you know?! her name is Philotes. The Greeks are special, special people.

And i finally caught 300 today, after months of being blur in the middle of post-300 gushings. Phil's friend is a true sweetie, minus the fact that he keeps explaining stuff to Steph. If people don't get it, don't need to explaaaain lah.

I mean, if a person doesn't get a joke, no point explaining, right. The moment's just lost.

Bern's sisters just gave birth. So, now, there's seven kids in total. Every time i drop by her jumbo flat in the weekends, it's like a mini nursery. But they're intelligent kids. A few quiet ones, a few of them born with a PA system installed in their vocal cords.

Like I said, it takes all kinds to make up the world.

adam is a jfdsshd awesome kinda hfddsaf.

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