Monday, December 10, 2007

not fully functional

this post is specifically to garner sympathy.

it feels as if 10 mini freddy kreugars are slicing my throat at the same time. my head's pounding and i think my forehead might be able to fry an egg.

plus the weather is so nice. its been raining. i keep thinking about being wrapped up like sushi in my comforter, falling asleep to the sounds of the pitter-pattering of the rain.

but, noooooo. we is has work to does!

and phil doesn't care =(

i said "eh i'm sick. pity me." and he snorted and replied "don't take my fries. i'm hungry."


1 comment:

Polalion said...

awww pwoor widdle catty.

you want a twead? you want a twead?